So speaking of the joy in partnering in the gospel, let us all join Becky in praising God for the work he is doing amongst these precious people, and let us all pray for her and for the locals surrounding her. What should we pray for? I'll let her answer that. Speaking of problems that have already reared their ugly heads, she asks
Please pray that Satan will not succeed in hindering this endeavour. Pray that God will put a hedge about this effort and bless for his name sake and glory.
Could also use your prayers for _ School. On Christmas day, a teacher was killed in a head on collision. His parents are also teachers at the school. The school is taking this pretty hard...The teacher who was killed had little girl, who is still in the hospital with severe injuries...The mother has been released. I took about 100 Gospel Cd.s on "Hope in the Storms of Life" and left them in the staff room and offices. Many teachers took them. Please pray that God will speak to souls, "unto salvation", through this tragedy.
Also, I have more and more classes wanting to get in to the Bible time, at...Have to now combine classes. This past week, had 35 Grade one's and two's for one session and in another class over 30 grade 5's and 6's. Please keep praying for these dear souls and for the teacher's and parents.
First two girls to memorize the books of the NT
As far as timing goes, Becky writes "Lord willing by March 1st everything should be set up for activities/meetings at the Good News Center!"
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