Here is a list of solid resources to get you started. The list is not meant to intimidate you; these are resources you can work at accumulating. Books that I think you should purchase and use without a moment's delay are marked by a double-asterisk. I've marked 2nd priority resources with one asterisk. The rest are books you can work at over the years to come (Lord willing).
Please know that just because I recommend these resources, that doesn't mean that I think everything in them is right. Use discernment with everything you read.
Bibles (use a few translations)
- English Standard Version
- New International Version
- New American Standard Bible
- New English Translation - available online, with very useful notes
- New Living Translation
Books on reading / studying Bible
- Knowing Scripture by R.C. Sproul **
- How to Read the Bible for All Its Worth by Gordon Fee **
- How to Read the Bible Book By Book by Gordon Fee **
- 40 Questions about Interpreting the Bible by Robert Plummer
Bible Software
- Free: The Word **
- Expensive, but awesome: Logos
- New Bible Dictionary by Intervarsity **
- Mounce's Complete Expository Dictionary of Old & New Testament Words, by William Mounce (I recommend this over Vine's dictionary, which is too out-of-date)
- New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology by Verbrugge
- Greek for the Rest of Us by William Mounce
- Hebrew for the Rest of Us by Fields
- Evangelical Dictionary of Theology by Elwell *
- Systematic Theology by Wayne Grudem
- Introducing the New Testament by Carson, Moo, and Naselli *
- Encountering the Old Testament: A Christian Survey by Arnold
- New Bible Commentary by Intervarsity **
- go to Denver Seminary's NT bibliography and choose from the last three commentaries they list for each book of the Bible (the other commentaries they list will be too technical)
- The NIV Application, Tyndale, Bible Speaks Today, and IVP commentary series are for the most part excellent. Unfortunately, the What the Bible Teaches series rarely provides what a commentary should provide, but there are some exceptions.
- for the BEST commentary series of all, go here.
- For the Love of God, volume 1 and volume 2, by Carson. An excellent devotional.
- The Pursuit of God by Tozer
- Knowing God by Packer
- Desiring God by Piper
- What Jesus Demands from the World by Piper
- Mere Christianity by C.S Lewis
- any and all books by David Gooding
You will learn a ton by always having some good expositional sermons on your ipod.
- John Piper
- D.A. Carson
- Tim Keller (and here)
- Sinclair Ferguson
- you can all get mp3's of Jack Hunter and Albert Leckie
This is a great list!
A few that have helped me that I would add include:
In an Apologetics section:
- Always Ready - Greg Bahnsen
- Every Thought Captive - Richard Pratt
- Defending Your Faith by R.C. Sproul
In the Theology section:
- Concise Theology - J.I. Packer
In the Surveys section:
- The Politically Incorrect Guide to the Bible
In the Great Books You Should Read section:
- The Holiness of God - R.C. Sproul
- The Pursuit of Holiness - Jerry Bridges
Again, your list is great, Mike. It's a wonderful thing for a younger brother to have a mentor who can show him the way.
Thanks for your additions Joel. I'm actually just reading The Holiness of God right now, and am really enjoying it.
I'll be adding your other suggestions to my Amazon list!
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