Saturday, August 11, 2007

Entering the Blogosphere...

My first post, but first of how many? God only knows. If He should grant me a long and happy existence in the Blogoshere, this is what you should expect to see in future visits to my blog:

(1) The beauty, glory, and supremacy of Jesus Christ.
(2) Encouragement to read and study the Bible.
(3) A plug or two for learning to read the New Testament in Greek!
(4) Glimpses of what a local church should look like, and encouragement to join/remain in/re-shape one.
(5) Updates on life with Helen: how we're doing, what we're reading, where we're going, and who we're hanging out with.

I begin with a prayer.

Lord Jesus, I dedicate this virtual space to You.
You have so taken over my life that I can't even blog without You. Make this a place where everyone who stops by is loved and respected. Make this a place where Your people are encouraged, and where those who are not Yours are caused to give You second thought. I ask that You would save me from using this space to promote myself instead of You. Preserve me from causing others to stumble.
Give me Your wisdom, insight, and grace.

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